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A wooden house with a pile of coins next to it, accompanied by three blocks labeled "TAX", symbolizing the tax implications of house flipping

House Flipping Taxes: What to Expect

House flipping taxes. They've been on your mind lately. Especially since you've made the biggest flip of your life. It was a charming little home. All it took was one look and you knew it had potential. Several months and...
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Exploring Suburban Real Estate Gems in New York: Top Picks for Q4 2023

Exploring Suburban Real Estate Gems in New York: Top Picks for Q4 2023

While New York City's real estate market always commands attention, suburban cities in the Empire State offer a different kind of charm and investment potential. In Q4 2023, we'll explore some lesser-known but highly promising suburban real estate markets in...
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Ground-up Construction Loans | Gauntlet Funding

The Best Florida Markets For Ground up Construction Loans

Ground-up construction projects involve building a home or entire development completely anew from raw materials—which offers a virtually uncapped degree of flexibility from an investor’s perspective. That means you can customize your new investment property to meet the current demands...
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Fund Your Retirement with Fix and Flip Loans

Fund Your Retirement with Fix and Flip Loans

Fix and Flip loans. You’ve heard the term a lot but just aren’t sure it’s for you. After all, aren't most fix and flippers seasoned real estate agents? Could you really match up with them? More importantly, could fix and...
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Why It's Time to Invest in Commercial Real Estate

Why It’s Time to Invest in Commercial Real Estate

If you been thinking about Real Estate investors New York and wonder if you should invest, this blog is for you. Below, we're going to go over six reasons why it's time to invest in commercial real estate and what it can...
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Best 2023 Markets for Ground Up Construction Loans

Best 2023 Markets for Ground Up Construction Loans

The housing market this year has exhibited consistent property valuation increases, nearly double-digit monthly rental growth and an uptick in demand for housing that has vastly outpaced supply levels across the country. Based on data compiled by, the national...
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Gauntlet Funding's Stellar Loan Programs: Benefits for Real Estate Investors

Gauntlet Funding’s Stellar Loan Programs: Benefits for Real Estate Investors

Real estate investing can be a lucrative venture, but securing the right financing is often the key to unlocking its full potential. Gauntlet Funding, a leading private lender, recognizes the unique challenges faced by real estate investors and offers a...
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Gauntlet Funding Gainesville Florida

How To Prioritize Repairs For Your Florida Fix And Flip To Make The Most Of Your Hard Money Loan

The booming economy, growing population, and a stable housing market in Florida make it a no-brainer for house flipping. Fix and flips are often seen as daunting and expensive tasks. If done correctly, however, they can yield incredible profits. So,...
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Ground Up Construction Benefits

Navigating Construction Loans: Unveiling the Benefits of Private Lenders and Hot Markets

When it comes to funding construction projects, securing the right financing is paramount. Construction loans serve as the lifeblood for developers, builders, and investors, providing the necessary capital to bring their visions to life. While traditional lending institutions have long...
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Top Jacksonville Florida Loan Program

Top Jacksonville Florida Loan Programs

Ask an outsider to name the largest city in Florida by population, and the chances are good they will say either Miami or Fort Lauderdale. However, the correct answer is Jacksonville Florida! According to the 2020 U.S. Census, the Jacksonville...
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