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End of Year Recap: Hot Markets for 2023

End of Year Recap: Hot Markets for 2023

Only a couple of months ago, aspiring homeowners were facing stiff competition for the limited number of properties on the market and dealing with soaring home values. Currently, sellers are quickly lowering asking prices and going above and beyond to...
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Q3 Real Estate Market Recap: Rebalancing Housing Market Equals Opportunity

Q3 Real Estate Market Recap: Rebalancing Housing Market Equals Opportunity

The national real estate market is a constant state of flux. Staying on top of the latest industry trends is key for successful investors and aspiring home buyers alike. The inherently dynamic nature of the market can make doing so challenging—which...
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Bridge Loans 101: How Bridge Loans Can Secure Your Next Investment Opportunity

With Lumber Prices Continuing To Increase, What Does This Mean For Florida Hard Money Lenders

COVID-19 has had many disastrous effects on various sectors since its emergence last year. As of late, the lumber industry has been biting the pandemic’s bullet, with prices skyrocketing and the demand for lumber significantly increasing in the past year....
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Fix and Flip South Carolina - Gauntlet Funding

Fix and Flip Lending: Top Cities to Invest in South Carolina

South Carolina has an abundance of robust local real estate markets primed for growth. Located along the picturesque Atlantic Ocean, the state offers a broad array of potential investment opportunities ranging from luxurious estates on the beach to more budget-friendly...
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Hard Money Guide for Real Estate Investors - Gauntlet Funding NY

2019 Hard Money Guide for Real Estate Investors

You've been wanting to work with hard money lenders ever since found out they fund fix and flip loans. But as you thought about it more you realized you don't know much about hard money lenders, or hard money as...
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