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Guide to Selling your Fix-and-Flip in the Summer

Guide to Selling your Fix-and-Flip in the Summer

More and more, the fix-and-flip real estate investment approach is becoming the go-to method for turning a profit in the industry—with the year-end 2019 U.S. Home Flipping Report indicating that 245,864 single family homes and condos across the country were...
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What to Do Before Taking Out a Hard Money Loan

What to Do Before Taking Out a Hard Money Loan

Imagine you have been scoping out the local real estate scene and you spot a few promising potentially fix-and-flip properties that have recently entered the market. You begin to picture just how beautiful the properties would look after you work...
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Good Exit Strategy Equals a Good Bottom Line

A Good Exit Strategy Equals a Good Bottom Line

The majority of new real estate investors were initially drawn to the industry for the potential financial gain. There’s really no hiding the fact that the main intent of acquiring real estate is to eventually earn a significant return on...
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What Real Estate Investors Should Know About Economic Cycles and Coronavirus

What Real Estate Investors Should Know About Economic Cycles and Coronavirus

Real estate and economic cycles are inherently dynamic and thus largely unpredictable, even for the most experienced industry insiders – despite what some would have you believe.   It can be helpful to think of the market as a giant...
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Top Ten Tips for Scoring a Great Real Estate Deal

Top Ten Tips for Scoring a Great Real Estate Deal

It’s becoming increasingly challenging to come across a true bargain in the current dog-eat-dog investment real estate market. Fortunately, the real estate experts at Gauntlet Funding compiled the following top ten tips to give you a head start towards scoring...
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Apply Home Buyers Bridge Loans Interim Financing Lending NYC

The Bridge Loan That Funds Your Real Estate Deals, Perfectly

Investigating finance options with established bridge loan lenders in New York can be a smart way to leverage financing for deals when you don’t want to use your own funds. Private money lenders are more concerned about the deal than...
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If You Read Only One Article About The Pros and Cons of Bridge Loans, Read This One

If considering purchasing an investment property, it might be wise to investigate the pros and cons of a bridge loan, which allows using the buying power of the current property to fund the second. Bridge loans are a useful real...
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Know More About 70% of Fix and Flipping Rule

What is the 70% Rule in Fix and Flipping?

As a new real estate investor interested in fix and flipping, you often find yourself asking, "How much can I offer on a property?”. You want to submit the “best offer” without going too high or overspending. However, if you...
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Make Money Flipping Houses

What is the Best Way to Make Money Flipping Houses?

Flipping houses can yield significant results. If done properly, an investor can make a substantial profit. But if not done correctly, it can lock up cash for an extended period of time or even lead to losses when it’s time...
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Can I Profitably Flip a House Without Being Handy?

Yes, you can flip a house without getting your hands dirty. But is it the best way to reap profits from your remodel? Ever since the widespread exposure from television series and digital platforms, fixing and flipping houses has become...
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