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Best States for Real Estate Investors: Where to Shift Your Focus

Thanks to the advent of modern technology, it is entirely possible to invest virtually anywhere in the world. And while that tremendous degree of flexibility and autonomy is definitely an advantage when it comes to maximizing profitability and building a...
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Private Money Lenders and Real Estate Investors, A Match Made in Heaven

Private Money Lenders and Real Estate Investors, A Match Made in Heaven

Conventional lenders like banks and credit unions, they make it increasingly difficult to secure financing for real estate investment projects. Real estate investors are increasingly seeking private money lending options to fill the notable gap in the financial marketplace. Private...
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Gauntlet Funding Gainesville Florida

Florida Real Estate Market Projections

Ever since the dramatic collapse of the economy in 2008, Florida has emerged as one of the leading real estate markets in the entire country. Over the first quarter of 2020, the housing price index (HPI) indicated that the Florida...
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Bridge Loans 101: How Bridge Loans Can Secure Your Next Investment Opportunity

With Lumber Prices Continuing To Increase, What Does This Mean For Florida Hard Money Lenders

COVID-19 has had many disastrous effects on various sectors since its emergence last year. As of late, the lumber industry has been biting the pandemic’s bullet, with prices skyrocketing and the demand for lumber significantly increasing in the past year....
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Fix and Flip South Carolina - Gauntlet Funding

Fix and Flip Lending: Top Cities to Invest in South Carolina

South Carolina has an abundance of robust local real estate markets primed for growth. Located along the picturesque Atlantic Ocean, the state offers a broad array of potential investment opportunities ranging from luxurious estates on the beach to more budget-friendly...
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Know More About 70% of Fix and Flipping Rule

What is the 70% Rule in Fix and Flipping?

As a new real estate investor interested in fix and flipping, you often find yourself asking, "How much can I offer on a property?”. You want to submit the “best offer” without going too high or overspending. However, if you...
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Hard Money Guide for Real Estate Investors - Gauntlet Funding NY

2019 Hard Money Guide for Real Estate Investors

You've been wanting to work with hard money lenders ever since found out they fund fix and flip loans. But as you thought about it more you realized you don't know much about hard money lenders, or hard money as...
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Hard Money Lending NY

How Does Hard Money Lending Work?

[embed][/embed] Are you looking to invest in real estate, but don’t quite have the funds? Hard money lending is here to your rescue. A hard money loan gives you quick access to the funds you need for purchasing, renovating, and...
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