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How to Find New Funding Sources After Losing Your Primary One

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Losing your primary funding source can feel like a significant setback, especially in the fast-paced world of real estate investing. However, there are numerous alternative funding avenues available, and with a strategic approach, you can quickly get back on track....
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Loan Calculator

Bridge Loans 101: How Bridge Loans Can Secure Your Next Investment Opportunity

As a real estate investor, you have probably been contemplating various mortgage options if you’ve located the new property you want to purchase. In addition to the various choices that encompass fixed-rates and adjustable-rate loans, there is also something called...
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Private Money Lenders and Real Estate Investors, A Match Made in Heaven

Private Money And When To Use It: A Guide

 You’re walking down the street when you see your favorite corner store. It was the best place to go as a kid. It had comics, candy, and colas. The three Cs any kid loves. But looking at it now, it...
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5 Mistakes to Avoid with Your next Fix and Flip

5 Mistakes to Avoid with Your next Fix and Flip

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Real estate investors have been utilizing the fix and flip approach as an investment strategy for years, but it wasn’t until the advent of house flipping reality shows on major T.V. networks like HGTV that scores of individuals started...
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Fix or flip home loans

Utilize a Hard Money Loan in These Top Florida Markets

A major part of being a successful real estate investor is knowing exactly where to invest. If you are on the hunt for properties to add to your portfolio that will produce consistent revenue streams of passive income year after...
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What You Need to Know This Winter About Your Next Fix and Flip

New Jersey Real Estate Market Continues to Boom—Projected to Sustain Increased Activity

The median listing price of a single-family residence in New Jersey has risen by nearly $100,000 over the past 12 months per the most recent data compiled by New Jersey Realtors. The statistics indicate that the average home price for...
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Why Florida is Primed for Fix and Flip Success | Gauntlet Funding

Why Florida is Primed for Fix and Flip Success

Seasoned investors typically don’t need their arms twisted in order to jump on a real estate investment opportunity in Florida. That’s because the laundry list of benefits speaks for themselves: a consistently growing population, world-class tourist attractions, and unbeatable climate...
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Why Florida is the Ideal Investment Property Market

Florida Real Estate Market: Top Cities to Invest In

Do you have plans to start or expand your investment portfolio in Florida soon? Whether you are just starting out in the industry or looking to diversify your asset holdings, there are a number of exciting and profitable areas across...
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Virginia Real Estate Market:

The Virginia Real Estate Market: Hard Money Lending

The Virginia real estate market is booming—are you ready to capitalize on this unique investment opportunity? At Gauntlet Funding, we specialize in providing you with flexible and innovative financial solutions to ensure that you have the money you need when...
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What You Need to Know This Winter About Your Next Fix and Flip

What You Need to Know This Winter About Your Next Fix and Flip

You have likely heard that the real estate market heats up along with the weather during the summer months. There are more properties on the market, and there are more potential buyers looking to complete transactions. Buying and selling between...
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